Amazonian Indians say their house is a representation of themselves, as well as a representation of planet Earth. Imagine what our behaviour would be if, like them, we had learned this with certainty from birth. We would have three homes: our Body, our House, and Earth. If we become aware that we have neglected our three homes, we start wanting to live differently, questioning the houses we live in. It is yet another realization that we must come to
Perfect architecture, that follows the principles of sacred geometry based on the golden rule – like that of the Indians’oca – and an ecological modern architecture in nature have more in common than they seem: both reconcile us with an invisible sense of harmony. Architecture dictates who we are. A well-proportioned house, placed in the right location in the landscape, is a happiness machine. Our ancestors knew this intuitively through their observation of Nature or through passed down knowledge, which we have also forgotten.
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, founder of the Cistercians, said: God is length, width, height and depth, making reference to the divine proportions that are found in Nature as well as in any balanced construction, and that transmit to its occupants the world’s harmony. What would our planet, villages and cities resemble if construction proportions and good architecture had been respected? Surely a different balance would prevail.
We are here to attempt to rediscover and transmit ancestral knowledge and to build the world of tomorrow. Our utopia is called “how to live in the world”. What do we need? Sufficient space, beauty, common sense.